The His and Her Money Show

In this episode are Amos and Deedra. They were buried $80,000 in debt. They decided to change their lifestyle and the end result was that they became debt free after losing half their income. They share the details of their incredible journey to debt-freedom.

What You Will Learn

  • How the Boodram's became debt free after losing half their income.
  • Ways to make budgeting fun for children
  • Practical solutions for reducing monthly bills
  • Coping mechanisms for the days when keeping the budget gets tough
  • How staying home can make more sense for a family than going back to work post-baby

Resources Mentioned

Thanks For Listening!

Today’s show was sponsored by Teach Me How To Budget. If you are ready to gain freedom in your finances once and for all then enroll in our brand new personal finance course Teach Me How To Budget.

Direct download: FINAL_Amos_and_Deedra_Interview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am CST