The His and Her Money Show

Getting up after a fall as a believer encapsulates the profound journey of resilience, faith, and personal growth that follows moments of adversity and stumbling in one's spiritual path. For believers, navigating the intricate terrain of life, rife with challenges and setbacks, is a testament to their convictions' strength and ability to harness the transformative power of setbacks into opportunities for renewal. 

This journey involves confronting doubts and uncertainties, rekindling the flickering flame of hope, and re-establishing a profound connection with one's beliefs. It is a process that not only mends the fractures of faith but also molds a stronger, more profound spiritual foundation, reminding believers that true strength is often forged in the crucible of overcoming trials.

In this episode of The His and Her Money Show, we are joined by Kimberly Jones, also known as Real Talk Kim, who is a pastor, entrepreneur, best-selling author, entertainer, and a worshiper after God’s own heart to talk about her new book, You Gotta Get Up. Kimberly shares the story behind writing the book, How we can evaluate our life before a fall, the dangers of getting stuck in a season, and ways to prevent yourself from getting stuck.

She also talks about how we can find the courage to bounce back from a fall, the power of declarations in the life of a Christian, and why we should use them in our journey to getting up. Tune in to learn more!


What You Will Learn:

  • The story behind the book: You Gotta Get Up
  • Taking evaluation of your life to get to the place of inner peace
  • The dangers of staying stuck in a season
  • Ways to prevent yourself from getting stuck
  • The meaning of the punchline: everyone wants to be a diamond, but no one wants to get cut.
  • Finding the courage to bounce back from a fall
  • The power of declarations in the life of a Christian and why we should use them in the journey to getting up
  • Tips to break generational curses
  • Advice to parents starting their journey of stepping up
  • What Kim will tell her younger self
  • What you will find in the book: You Gotta Get Up


Resources Mentioned:


Connect with Real Talk Kim:

Direct download: Real_Talk_Kim_Episode_-_Edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am CDT

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, our children face a multitude of challenges that can contribute to a cluttered mental landscape. As parents and caregivers, we must understand the significance of helping our kids clean up their mental mess. By acknowledging and addressing their emotional and psychological well-being, we can equip them with the tools they need to navigate life's complexities more effectively. 

In this episode of The His and Her Money Show, we will explore practical strategies and insights on fostering a healthy mental environment for our children, empowering them to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. From nurturing open communication to promoting self-awareness and resilience, let's discover how we can be instrumental in guiding our kids toward a brighter and more balanced future.

Joining us today is Dr. Caroline Leaf, a communication pathologist, audiologist, and clinical and cognitive neuroscientist, to talk about her new book: How to Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess. She shares the importance of paying attention to our mental health, how we can manage our minds, and the mental mess that can occur to our 3 to 10-year-old kids. She also explains the signs that show our kids are dealing with a mental mess and ways parents can help clean that mess. Tune in to learn more!



What You Will Learn:

  • Why should everyone pay attention to their mental health?
  • How we can manage our minds
  • Ways to understand your mental mess
  • The mental mess that can occur to our 3 to 10-year-old kids
  • The signs that show our kids are dealing with a mental mess
  • Tips for parents to help their kids clean up their mental mess
  • How to normalize our mental health, both for us and our kids
  • What you will find in the book: How to Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess


Resources Mentioned:


Connect with Dr. Caroline Leaf:

Direct download: Dr._Caroline_Leaf_Episode_-_Edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am CDT