Thu, 16 July 2020
On today's episode of the His & Her Money Show, self-acclaimed "podcast nerd" and Do You Even Blog? founder Pete McPherson is here to lay it all out. Back in 2009, Pete unexpectedly launched his podcasting career with some friends. It was short-lived. So, he made the switch to accounting, then when he realized the corporate grind just wasn't the life for him, he decided it was time to hustle. Side hustle, that is. Over 50 failed blogs and online businesses later, Pete is back in the game as a full-time entrepreneur, blogger, and podcast rockstar. He's an awesome voice in the podcast and blogging community and a walking, talking wealth of information that any aspiring podcaster needs to know. If you're looking into starting your own blog or podcast, go on over to Do You Even Blog? and check out everything Pete has to offer in his Podcourse program so you can get started off on the right foot, backed by the tips and tricks you won't be finding anywhere else! RESOURCES