The His and Her Money Show

One of the reasons most of us don’t want to tackle the debt is fear. We don’t want to risk failure.

Najee and Jennifer don’t see it that way.

They see the risk in NOT tackling your debt and they share why in this episode.

They share their journey and the unique strategies that took them from $80,000 down to $11,000 in student and car loans in just 3 years.



  • How Najee and Jennifer both got on board with their debt freedom budget, even though they have different spending styles
  • The one thing that put Najee and Jennifer on track to cut their debt
  • Why they automated the spending process to control their finances
  • Why Najee and Jennifer chose not to travel during their debt-free journey
  • The big mental switch that helped Najee switch from being a spender to a saver in their debt-free journey
  • Why a vacation may not be what you think
  • Jennifer’s and Najee’s unique strategies to stay on the debt-free track
  • Encouraging your spouse or partner during their debt-free journey
  • An easy-to-use visual reminder to help you stay on track with debt
  • What to do when you make a mistake during your big-free journey





Direct download: FINAL20Najee20and20Jennifer20Episode.mp3
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