The His and Her Money Show

One key to investing the right way is to have a long-term perspective. It's important to avoid trying to time the market or making impulsive decisions based on short-term market movements. Instead, consider your investment goals and risk tolerance, and develop a plan that aligns with your financial plan. In this episode of The His and Her Money Show, we are joined by Marc Russell, The Founder, and Owner of Better Wallet, which focuses on helping people effectively manage their finances, the right way. He also teaches people how to invest.

Marc shares the importance of understanding money, tips for investing the right way, the best time to start investing, and fighting through the booming market and putting your energy into index funds and EFTs. He also talks about evaluating the amount of money you should invest in the stock market and how he is helping people financially get on top of their game. Tune in to learn more!


What You Will Learn

  • The importance of understanding money
  • Marc’s story from being adopted to working for Vanguard
  • How to invest the right way
  • Fighting through the booming market and putting your energy into index funds and EFTs
  • The best time to start investing
  • The difference between index funds, EFTs and individual stocks
  • The rules of thumbs to start your investment in times like these
  • Tips to evaluate the amount of money you should invest in the stock market
  • How Marc is helping people get on top of their game financially


Resources Mentioned


Connect with Marc Russell

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